As a UBC student, you’ll need to have reading, writing, and speaking skills in English, regardless of your first language or citizenship. To ensure you develop those skills, all UBC undergraduate students are required to earn between three and six credits of writing, communication, or English.
Is this the same thing as the English Language Admission Standard?
No, they’re two different things. The English Language Admission Standard (ELAS) is an admissions requirement that you had to meet before being admitted to UBC. Your Faculty’s first-year writing, communication, or English requirements are something you need to meet now that you’re a UBC student.
What are my first-year writing, communication, or English requirements?
To check how many credits you must complete and which courses will fulfill your degree requirements, please refer to the undergraduate degree requirements for your Faculty at UBC Okanagan or UBC Vancouver.
What is the first-year English course entry requirement?
UBC Okanagan
To stay enrolled in your first-year English courses, you must meet the first-year English course prerequisites for UBC Okanagan.
UBC Vancouver
First-year English courses for UBC Vancouver do not have any prerequisites.