How to plan your first-year costs

When planning for your university costs, it’s important to consider both your first-year costs as well as how your costs may change in your second, third, and fourth years. We know how stressful financial planning can be, so let’s take this one step at a time. We’ll help you plan for your first year on this page. Later, you can find more information about the costs of your second year and beyond by reading up on undergraduate tuition fees at UBC.

First-year budget-planning worksheet
Download this fillable PDF template

First-year cost estimator

This is where you can calculate your financial plan and find your program’s tuition for your first year at UBC.

Try as many options as you want. The numbers will be updated each time you click the Calculate button. All fees and costs are current estimates and are based on a first-year full course load. If you are pursuing a Bachelor + Master of Management dual degree, you’ll need to add $1,480.50 (Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada) or $2,249.90 (international students) to your first-year tuition total below.

Looking ahead to second year and beyond?

Tuition is calculated on a per-credit basis. Tuition fees are reviewed annually by the Board of Governors. In recent years, tuition increases have been 2% for continuing domestic students and between 2% and 5% for continuing international students.


First-year cost estimator fees last updated May 2024.

* indicates a required field

Will you have financial support?