Find your UBC admission decision in the Applicant Service Centre

Find your UBC admission decision in the Applicant Service Centre

Now that you’ve applied to UBC, you might be wondering: “Did they get my documents?” and “When will I receive my admission decision?”

Tens of thousands of UBC applicants from across Canada and around the world have the same questions. The UBC Admissions Office is doing its best to read every applicant’s personal profile and transcript as carefully – and quickly – as possible. We’re swamped with applicant documents, but we’re working very hard to give you a considered and fair decision as soon as we can.

Once we have evaluated your application, you’ll see our decision in the Applicant Service Centre.

If you’ve sent your documents to us within the past five to six weeks, please be patient with us and we will update your status shortly.

In the meantime, you might want to take part in one of our information events or campus tours, where you can get answers to all your questions about life at UBC.

What are rolling admissions?

What are rolling admissions?

UBC evaluates your UBC application once it’s complete, which means we need to receive all your grades and other required information first. With thousands of applications coming in from different school systems around the world, we receive all those grades and supporting documents at different times.

We can’t evaluate everyone’s application at the same time, so we send out admissions decisions as we receive and review information. That’s what we mean by rolling admissions.

If we received your grade information early in the year, we may have evaluated your application in January or February. But don’t worry: UBC uses the same admissions criteria for everyone. Students who received offers by the end of February have to meet the same admissions criteria as those who receive offers in March or April.



Some UBC degrees closing applications soon

Some UBC degrees closing applications soon

Although the deadline to apply for the 2024/25 Winter Session (September to April) has passed, certain UBC degrees are still accepting applications. If you’re planning to apply, you need to submit your application soon – unless a specific deadline is indicated, degrees will close their application without notice.


A flood of applications

The UBC Admissions office has received thousands of applications. If you’ve already applied, thank you for your submission. We’ve been busy answering your questions and making sure you’ll receive an email notifying you of which documents you need to submit. We’re eager to evaluate your application so we can send you a decision as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience as we work through all of the applications we’ve received.


What comes after applying?

Check the Admissions Blog routinely for timely posts about how to submit your documents, when we’ll send offers of admission, self-reporting, and other important admissions-related details.



When will you receive your UBC admission decision?

When will you receive your UBC admission decision?

We know that selecting universities to apply to is a huge decision – one that involves plenty of research and preparation. And although that part is done, you still have one big decision left: which admission offer will you accept?

The UBC Admissions Office is meticulously reviewing your application so that we can give you our decision as soon as we can – we want to help you make your big decision in good time. That being said, we’re not going to rush through our evaluation of your application – we want to make sure you get a carefully considered decision from us. As soon as we have evaluated your application, you will see our decision on the Applicant Service Centre under Admissions > Application Status.


Why do some students receive their admission decision before others?

The simple answer: we receive grades at different times depending on your school system.

For some of you, we started evaluating your application in mid-to-late January because you applied by December 1 to be considered for a first-round offer of admission. Right now, we are receiving International Baccalaureate anticipated grades for Canadian high school applicants, BC Ministry of Education grades, and OUAC grade information from Ontario, and we continue to receive international documents.

From March 1st to March 15th, applicants from Alberta, Manitoba, the Maritimes, and Saskatchewan will upload their documents so that we can evaluate their applications.

Our Admissions team has been reading personal profiles and evaluating applications as we receive grades and other information, and we will continue to do so until all applications have been carefully reviewed. We’re working as quickly and carefully as we can to give you an admission decision shortly after we receive all of your grade information.


Admission decisions are not first come, first served

Most important to you: we use the same evaluation criteria for everyone when their files are complete. If your files are complete in March, we will evaluate your application exactly as we have done for those whose files were complete in January. Our decisions are not made on a first-come, first-served basis, and we take great care to make sure you get the right decision shortly after your application is complete.



Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Quebec, and the Maritimes: UBC document upload deadline is March 15

Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Quebec, and the Maritimes: UBC document upload deadline is March 15

Have you uploaded your documents to the Applicant Service Centre yet? Document upload will be closing on Saturday, March 15, 2025, so be sure to get your documents in as soon as you have them.

Check out our tips on uploading your documents.

If you are an International Baccalaureate Diploma student in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Quebec, or the Maritimes, we will receive your anticipated IB results directly from your IB coordinators, so you do not need to upload documents to complete your application.

Have questions? Email us at with the subject line “document upload,” and remember to include your full name and UBC student number so we can assist you.



You’ve applied to UBC. Now what?

You’ve applied to UBC. Now what?

Congratulations on completing your UBC application! You’re one giant step closer to joining our vibrant community of students and faculty from around the globe.


Submitting your documents

Tens of thousands of UBC applicants like you have begun – or will soon begin – submitting their documents. The UBC Admissions Office is doing its best to read everyone’s personal profile and transcript as carefully and quickly as possible. We’re swamped with incoming documents, but we’re working very hard to process each one and give you a considered and fair decision as soon as we can. It may take a while for us to acknowledge that we’ve received your documents, so thank you for bearing with us at this busy time.


To find out what documents you need to send to us, check your email for a message from UBC, or log in to the Applicant Service Centre.


Your admissions decision

Depending on the degree you applied to, the standard of your application, and when your grades become available, high school applicants can expect an admissions decision any time between the end of January and May and post-secondary transfer applicants can expect an admissions decision any time between February and late June. Be sure to check your application status often in the Applicant Service Centre under Admissions > Application Status.

If you’re itching to know what comes next in the admissions process, check out the video below:



Until you hear back from us, take this time to learn more about the degree that you applied to. This is also a great opportunity to envision your future at UBC and have your questions answered by joining a campus tour, attending an event for applicants, or taking part in an online info session.



What we look for when evaluating your application

What we look for when evaluating your application

Yay! You’ve completed your UBC application! It’s a huge accomplishment and brings you one step closer to reaching your university goals. Now you’re probably wondering what we look for when we’re evaluating your application.

UBC receives thousands of applications a year and, as much as we’d like to, we don’t have the space to admit everyone.

Our admissions process is competitive and comparative. It’s important to keep in mind that your application will be evaluated against all of the other applications we have received this year for the same degree.


First, do you meet the admission requirements?


The first thing we look at when evaluating your application is whether or not you meet UBC’s admission requirements. This includes:

General admission requirements

  • Have you graduated from high school?

English language requirements

Degree-specific requirements

  • Do you meet the specific requirements for the degree you’re applying to?
  • You may need to take certain high school courses, submit a portfolio or complete an interview depending on the degree you are applying to.

If you meet these admission requirements, we take a closer look at your application.


Next, we review your grades and course choices


The next step in your application evaluation is looking at your grades. We look at all of your Grade 11 (Junior level) and Grade 12 (Senior level) classes, paying special attention to courses that relate to the degree you’re applying to.

UBC also looks closely at which courses you chose to take in high school:

  • Did you pursue all of your academic interests by taking a range of different subjects?
  • Did you challenge yourself by taking academic courses, advanced courses, or first-year university courses?
  • Did you demonstrate knowledge in your chosen area of study by taking courses related to the degree you applied to at UBC?


Lastly, we look at your achievements beyond academics


After making sure that you meet the admission requirements and reviewing your grades and course choices, the last thing we look at is your personal profile – the essay questions in your online application.

We read your personal profile to get a sense of who you are, what you’ve overcome and what you’ve achieved. Your personal profile helps us to assess whether you’re prepared for university studies. It also helps us determine if you’re deserving of an entrance scholarship or award by telling us what you’ve learned about your experiences, your academic and extracurricular achievements, and your leadership qualities.

Learn more about how UBC evaluates your application



Good luck!

Update on first-round offers of admission

Update on first-round offers of admission

This year, we’ve received over 12,000 applications from high school students who follow the Canadian curriculum and will be considered for a first-round offer of admission. That’s a lot of Personal Profiles to read! We’re already sending out first-round offers of admission and will continue to send them through to February 28. If you don’t receive an offer by February 28, don’t worry – no one will be refused admission during first-round offers of admission.


If I am not admitted by February 28, what do I do?

UBC is reviewing student applications every week. High school students who applied before the December 1 deadline will be admitted on different days as the weeks go by. All students who follow the Canadian curriculum and met the December 1 deadline will be considered for first-round offers of admission, and all of those offers will be finalized by February 28.

If you are not admitted by February 28, sit tight and follow the instructions we send you by email for additional grade information.

Can someone tell me if I’ll receive an offer?

If you contact our front-line team, they will not be able to tell you if you will be admitted. If you want to know what your current status is, have a look at the Applicant Service Centre (ASC). When you visit the ASC, you can learn about where your application is in the process by viewing your “Applicant Status.” The messaging on your applicant status will tell you if you have successfully submitted your application, list your dates and deadlines, and lay out your next steps.

If you have already been admitted, your applicant status will tell you that. If it does not say that you are admitted, check back after February 28. At that time, you’ll see new instructions that you must follow.