Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Quebec, and the Maritimes: UBC document upload deadline is March 15

Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Quebec, and the Maritimes: UBC document upload deadline is March 15

Have you uploaded your documents to the Applicant Service Centre yet? Document upload will be closing on Saturday, March 15, 2025, so be sure to get your documents in as soon as you have them.

Check out our tips on uploading your documents.

If you are an International Baccalaureate Diploma student in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Quebec, or the Maritimes, we will receive your anticipated IB results directly from your IB coordinators, so you do not need to upload documents to complete your application.

Have questions? Email us at with the subject line “document upload,” and remember to include your full name and UBC student number so we can assist you.



The UBC online application closes in two days

The UBC online application closes in two days

This is the final stretch! You’ve got two more days until the UBC application closes, so put the finishing touches on your personal profile and make sure to submit before the deadline. As a final reminder, you must submit your application and pay the fee by January 15 at 11:59 p.m. PT.


Need some tips?

If you’re still finishing things up, you can review our top online application tips or check out the video below.



If you have already applied

If you’ve already submitted your UBC application, then you’re ahead of the game and you should keep an eye on the Applicant Service Centre for any updates or to find out if UBC still needs any documents from you.

Please keep in mind that it may take two to three weeks for documents that you’ve submitted to be uploaded to your application, so don’t worry if you’ve sent in a transcript and you don’t see it in the Applicant Service Centre yet.


If you have questions

The answers to general questions – like personal profile inquiries or how UBC evaluates your application – can be found in our Applying to UBC section. Please contact us if you need to get in touch.



Reminder: When to upload your documents

Reminder: When to upload your documents

If you don’t have your documents ready to upload at the time that you apply to UBC, don’t worry – you’re not required to yet.

The deadline to complete UBC’s online application is January 15, 2025.

Your supporting documents do not need to be uploaded until after you’ve submitted your application. The deadline to upload those documents will differ depending on whether you’re a Canadian or international student, what province you’re studying in, whether you’re a transfer student, and the curriculum you’re learning.

Most of those deadlines will fall in March 2025, but you should find out your exact date and requirements well ahead of time. After you’ve applied, UBC will send you an email that outlines which documents you are required to submit, and when you’re required to submit them.

For more tips on when and how to upload your documents, keep checking the UBC Admissions Blog.



Contact us with your application questions

Contact us with your application questions

If you have a question about your application or the application process, don’t put it off until the last minute – the sooner you get in touch with us, the sooner we can help. Here are some ways to connect with us directly.

Get in touch using our contact form

No matter where you are or which campus you’re applying to, you can ask UBC a question using our contact form.

Talk with us in person or on the phone

You can visit us at one of our Welcome Centres or give us a call during office hours and a UBC representative can answer your questions.

Connect with us on social media

You can also get answers to your admissions-related questions on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. We have UBC advisors and current students answering questions in real time, Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (PST).


Don’t forget: the deadline for applying to UBC is January 15 at 11:59 pm (PST).



UBC application deadline is near

UBC application deadline is near

Deadlines: post-secondary life is going to be full of them, so it’s important not to miss the first – and arguably the most important. If you’re planning on applying to UBC for the September 2025 academic year, this is a friendly reminder that you have less than two weeks left to complete your online application.


If you’re still working on your application

If you’re still finishing things up, please remember that you need to submit your application and pay your application fee by January 15 at 11:59 pm (PST).


If you have already applied

If you’ve already submitted your UBC application, then you’re ahead of the game and you should keep an eye on the Applicant Service Centre under Admissions > Application Status for any updates, or to find out if UBC still needs any documents from you.

Please keep in mind that it may take two to three weeks for documents that you’ve submitted to be attached to your application, so don’t worry if you’ve sent or uploaded your transcript and you don’t see it in the Applicant Service Centre yet. If you are worried that your documents haven’t been received, please contact us.


If you have questions

The answers to general questions – like personal profile inquiries or how UBC evaluates your application – can be found in our Applying to UBC section.

If there are specific things you want to discuss about your application, we’re happy to provide timely answers before the application deadline. Please contact us by phone, by email, visit us in person, or connect with us on Facebook or Instagram.



International applicants: Submit your supporting documents

International applicants: Submit your supporting documents

Updated: February 18, 2025

Transcript and/or grade information

As part of UBC’s admission process, you’re required to submit documents that support your application, such as your transcript and/or grade information. Take a look at your email or check the Applicant Service Centre to find out what documents you need to send to us, and what format it must be received in. If you’re an international applicant, the deadline to submit your supporting documents is March 15, 2025, but we encourage all international applicants to get their documents to us as quickly as possible so that we can provide you with an admissions decision.

Learn how to submit your supporting documents.


If you are delayed in receiving your documents

UBC will be as flexible as possible to ensure that your application is not disadvantaged by disruptions due to circumstances beyond your control. If you have been affected by such interruptions, please contact us and provide us your required documents as soon as you are able.


English language competency

All prospective students are required to demonstrate a minimum level of English before they’re admitted. Check the status of your application on the Applicant Service Centre to see whether you need to submit evidence of your English language proficiency. The deadline for meeting the English language requirements and submitting the related documents is February 15, 2025.

Find out how to meet UBC’s English Language Admission Standard.



Reminder: the December 1 deadline is near

Reminder: the December 1 deadline is near

Reminder that if you are applying to UBC and want to meet the December 1 deadline for first-round offers of admission and scholarships and awards, the deadline is just over two weeks away.


December 1 deadline for first-round offers of admission

If you are a Canadian high school applicant and you wish to be considered for a first-round offer of admission, you must apply by December 1. First-round offers are given to highly competitive high school students who follow a Canadian curriculum and can expect to hear from UBC as early as February, for a September start.

If you are a Canadian post-secondary transfer applicant and you wish to be considered on the basis of interim transcripts (transcripts that include final grades for courses completed to December, and that list any courses in-progress from January to April), you must also apply by December 1.


December 1 deadline for scholarships and awards

December 1 is the deadline for Canadian high school students who wish to be considered for the Presidential Scholars Awards and UBC Centennial Scholars Entrance Awards, and it’s the deadline for international students who wish to be considered for the UBC International Scholars Program awards.

Ready to be a UBC student? Apply now.

Don’t miss the Presidential Scholars Award deadline

Don’t miss the Presidential Scholars Award deadline

Don’t be late for this incredible opportunity!

Canadian citizens and permanent residents who want to be considered for a Presidential Scholars Award must complete their UBC application for admission by December 1, 2024 (11:59 pm Pacific Standard Time). That’s in three weeks’ time.

Writing your online application and preparing your personal profile is not something you’ll want to rush, so make sure you’ve left enough time to complete both parts.


What are Presidential Scholars Awards?

Presidential Scholars Awards are one-time awards of approximately $5,000, or renewable awards of up to $80,000 which are paid over four years. The Awards are offered to Canadian high school students (including Quebec CEGEP students) who excel academically as well as demonstrate leadership achievements in the arts, community, athletics, or their school.


How do you apply?

If you are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada, and you are applying to UBC from high school or CEGEP, you can select to be considered for a Presidential Scholars Award by answering “Yes” in the Awards section of UBC online application. You must complete your application for admission by December 1, 2024 (11:59 pm Pacific Standard Time).

Applicants will be evaluated on their first-choice degree based on their academic profile and personal profile.

Not interested in a Presidential Scholars Award?

If you don’t want to be considered for a Presidential Scholars Awards, you can opt to not be considered on the application, and you’ll have until January 15, 2025 to apply to UBC. Don’t let that deadline stop you from applying earlier, though – with your application out of the way, you can truly relax over the winter break.

Start now by checking out our online application tips.