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The first step to becoming a UBC student is joining the UBC newsletter. From there, you can find out about campus tours, UBC events in your area, online info sessions, dates and deadlines, and receive important UBC updates to your inbox.

A place of opportunity

UBC is a place where academics and community come together and offer you unique opportunities to learn and grow. You have the opportunity to shape your individual path for your university experience and beyond.

  • Most international university in North America

    The UBC community includes students, faculty, and staff from across Canada and more than 150 countries.

  • Food Science UBC Vancouver

    $773.7M in research funding

    Your learning extends well beyond the classroom. Shape your journey with a co-op work placement, community-based learning, or an academic exchange.

  • 200+ programs to choose from

    UBC offers diverse, innovative programming, interdisciplinary learning, and modern teaching methods that will expand your horizons and set you on a trajectory of success in our evolving world.

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The University of British Columbia (UBC) is collecting personal information, including your name, contact information, and other demographic information, in accordance with the terms under section 26(c) of the FIPPA. This data will be utilized to connect you with the relevant programs, services, awards, and opportunities offered by the university. It is important to note that the information you provide will not impact your application status at UBC, and any demographic data shared will not be included in your UBC student record.

If you have any inquiries or concerns regarding the collection, use, and/or disclosure of your personal information, please contact us.


Why join the UBC newsletter?

You’ll get access to exclusive UBC events that aren’t even open to the public. Plus, we’ll recommend the best events for you based on where you’re studying and where you are on your journey to UBC!