
Bursaries are non-repayable awards that are given to students on the basis of financial need. At UBC, the following two bursary programs are available:

General Bursaries

UBC’s General Bursary program is designed to help fill your “unmet need,” which is the gap between 1) your assessed educational and living costs, and 2) your available government assistance and expected financial contributions.

This program covers most bursaries available to UBC students. If you are entering UBC directly from high school or transferring from another college or university and you have unmet financial need, you should consider applying for both the bursary program and the Centennial Scholars Entrance Awards.

Are you eligible?

To be eligible, you must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident who has a student loan and an unmet financial need. Students in undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, and graduate programs are all eligible unless the program is designated as a professional program.

How do you apply?

Follow step-by-step instructions to apply to the UBC Bursary program in your Workday account.

When is the deadline?

If you’re starting your studies in September, the deadline is September 15. If you’re starting in May, the deadline is June 1.

Your student loans must be confirmed by the bursary deadline to be eligible for UBC bursaries. To ensure you meet this deadline, we strongly recommend you apply for your student loans by July 15 for Winter Session and March 31 for Summer Session bursaries.

If you have questions or need assistance, contact an Enrolment Services Advisor (Vancouver campus) or email sis.ubco@ubc.ca (Okanagan campus).

Affiliation Bursaries

There are many different Affiliation Bursaries. Eligibility for these bursaries is usually determined by connection to a specific club, trade union, company, geographic region, or demographic group. The requirements for each bursary are unique.

Are you eligible?

To be eligible, you must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. To determine your full eligibility for Affiliation Bursaries, complete an application and review the requirements for each award.

How do you apply?

You can apply for Affiliation Bursaries by completing the application on the UBC Affiliation Bursaries web page.

This program requires a separate application from the General Bursaries.

When is the deadline?

The deadline to apply is September 15.

If you have questions or need assistance, contact an Enrolment Services Advisor (Vancouver campus) or email sis.ubco@ubc.ca (Okanagan campus).