NłeɁkepmx Language Fluency

at UBC's

Okanagan Campus

Achieve an advanced proficiency in the NłeɁkepmx language. This degree is an innovative collaboration between communities, Nicola Valley Institute of Technology (NVIT), En’owkin Centre, and UBC Okanagan to sustain and revitalize language traditions, restore language competence, and protect the knowledge of Indigenous communities.

Why this program?

  • Enjoy a fully immersive approach to learning, with community language experts in the classrooms.
  • Connect with other Indigenous students, get familiar with the campus, engage with the Indigenous Programs and Services staff, and stay on campus in residence.
  • Take part in an internship with a relevant community partner as well as a personal language project as a capstone for the degree.
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Program information

  • Campus: Okanagan
  • Faculty: Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
  • Degree: Bachelor of NłeɁkepmx Language Fluency
  • Length 2 yrs
  • Co-op No
    You can combine your studies with full-time, paid work at top local and international organizations.
  • Honours No
    You can study intense specialization in a single field.

To apply to the Bachelor of NłeɁkepmx Language Fluency at UBC Okanagan, you must first have completed the NłeɁkepmx Language diploma at NVIT. The diploma will be your first two years of study, with the Bachelor of NłeɁkepmx Language Fluency forming the final two.

The NłeɁkepmx Language Fluency degree is designed so you reach a profound knowledge of the language. Over the course of the program, you’ll achieve an advanced level of written and oral proficiency through classes that tackle language skills, instructional capacity, Indigenous ways of knowing, and more.

As well as becoming a proficient speaker, you’ll learn about multiple ways to contribute to the language’s recovery and revitalization efforts in your communities.

The degree begins with a summer transition course to ensure you successfully settle in to UBC Okanagan and the university environment. During this course, you’ll connect with other Indigenous students, learn about the campus programs and services available to you, and stay on campus in a UBC residence.

Experiential learning and research

The NłeɁkepmx Language Fluency program is fully immersive, with research, internship, and community engagement opportunities embedded in the curriculum.

In the final year of your degree, you’ll undertake an internship with a relevant community partner, and also complete a personal language project. These opportunities will allow you to explore your own interests in your language learning, and practice in a context that is meaningful to you personally.

You’ll also have the chance to pursue innovative and original research as part of the Undergraduate Research Awards.

Your future

You’ll graduate from the NłeɁkepmx Language Fluency program ready for a career in a number of fields, including:

  • Indigenous outreach
  • Careers within social services
  • College and other vocational instructors
  • Indigenous affairs officer, or government policy work
  • Research consultant
  • Language assessor or literacy coach
  • Community interpreter or translator
  • Women and family support
  • Youth wellness
  • Jobs in natural resources using traditional ecological knowledge
  • Teacher/educator