Richelle visited UBC Okanagan as a guest of Destination UBC and instantly fell in love with the campus. She says that she came home from the trip and immediately accepted her offer.
Enrolled as an Arts student, once she saw all of the Indigenous literature classes that were offered, she decided to major in English. She says that she chose English to study authors “who ground us in understanding where we’re learning and how to enact ourselves accordingly to our Indigenous ways of being.”
Richelle discusses the support she’s received within the Indigenous Program Services Department and her passion for Indigenous Literature and creating pathways for Indigenous peoples to access higher education.
1. What made you decide to major in English at UBC Okanagan?
I decided to major in English for the amazing Indigenous literature classes that UBC offers. In these classes, I’ve studied groundbreaking authors with Indigenous-focused perspectives and have had many amazing professors. I also picked English because of authors like Jeanette Armstrong who’re from the community and who ground us in understanding where we’re learning and how to enact ourselves accordingly to our Indigenous ways of being.
2. What has been your experience in the program so far?
I’ve been so fulfilled with the amazing professors, the classes have opened new interests, and I’ve got to get to know with other Indigenous students and communities. I’ve met so many friends from around the world and I’ve never felt more comfortable surrounded by like-minded individuals. I’m halfway through and it’s flown by. But I guess time flies when you’re having fun! I appreciate all the opportunities UBC has brought me and am excited to continue my academic journey.
3. Do you have any special memories at UBC that stand out? Is there a moment that validated your decision to come to UBC?
I remember getting the opportunity to take part in Destination UBC, where I was able to tour the campus and explore all it had to offer. I loved the friendly atmosphere and close-knit community. I made amazing friends and connections. I knew immediately I had to go here. The second I got home I accepted my offer. I also attended Jump Start and it validated my decision. I got to enjoy campus before classes, learn how to navigate the buildings, experience the different activities the school had to offer and settle in while making friends.
4. What are your favourite spots on campus? Best study spots, places to eat, best coffee?
My favourite study spot is the Indigenous Program Services Center. I love to eat at the Student Union Centre with a variety of different ethnic foods and the best coffee is Starbucks with the best staff who always brighten the day!
5. How have your interests and passions helped to shape your education journey?
UBC has given me countless amounts of opportunities and support throughout my academic journey. Specifically, within the Indigenous Program Services Department where I was able to create community and connect with other Indigenous students. UBC has allowed me to advance my knowledge about Indigenous communities that’ll later help me fight for Indigenous rights. My passions are creating pathways for Indigenous peoples to access higher education. I’m interested Indigenous ways of knowing and understanding the natural world, which prompted my education journey of Indigenous Literature and how Indigenous language is an integrated part of knowing how we fit into society.
6. Do you have any tips for someone who’s considering an Arts degree at UBC Okanagan?
I recommend students take as many classes in different subjects as possible. UBC has so much to offer in an Arts degree. I took advantage of this and got to take so many different classes.
I would also suggest not immediately deciding on a specific degree. I found classes and programs I didn’t know existed and you never know what you love until you experience it.