Helping Indigenous communities through Nursing

How Ashley made the career change from marketing to nursing, with the aim of making a positive difference within the Indigenous community.

Helping Indigenous communities through Nursing
NameAshley H.
ProgramBachelor of Science in Nursing


After working in Marketing for 5 years, Ashley and her family moved to Kelowna where it was time for a career change. When Ashley applied to UBC Okanagan’s Nursing program, she initially wasn’t admitted, but she didn’t give up. Signing up for the Aboriginal Access Studies program and upgrading her high school courses, she was accepted in the program the following year.

As a mature student and a mom, Ashley was initially uncertain how she’d fit in and handle the work load, but with the support of the Indigenous Programs and Services team she’s had plenty of successes and is excited to be graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing this fall. Her passion lies in patient-centered care and ensuring cultural safety, with the goal of working within the Indigenous population to make a positive difference within the Indigenous community.


1. What made you decide to enrol in Nursing at UBC Okanagan? What was your decision process like?

 After working in marketing in Victoria, our family moved to Kelowna but this posed a challenge in finding a fulfilling job. Nursing had always been my true passion, so I decided to embark on a career change. I applied to UBC Okanagan’s Nursing program but wasn’t admitted. However, I didn’t give up. I accepted a seat in the Aboriginal Access Studies program for a year, where I took six classes, including a nursing course as well as upgrading some of my high school courses. At the end of that transformative year, my dedication paid off when I was offered a seat in the nursing program at UBC Okanagan. This journey has not only changed my career but also enriched my life with a newfound purpose in healthcare


 2. What has been your experience in the program so far?

I’m thrilled to be in my final weeks of the nursing program at UBC Okanagan. It’s been quite the journey, filled with challenges and incredible rewards. Along the way, I’ve had the privilege of making lifelong friends within the program, and we’ve shared countless successes and faced some tough moments together. As I near the finish line, I’m looking forward to the opportunities and adventures that lie ahead in my nursing career. I am also looking forward to spending some good quality time with my family. During this process my boys went from little kids to teens and I’m looking forward to doing some traveling with them!


 3. You came to the program from the Aboriginal Access Studies program. Can you explain a bit about what that was like?

I can’t express enough how grateful I am for the Aboriginal Access Studies program. Without it, I doubt I would have secured admission to the nursing program. This journey has shown me that with determination, I can achieve anything I set my mind to. Finishing my degree with an A average is a testament to that. The Access Studies program was the stepping stone to my success, and the team in Indigenous Programs and Services provided unwavering support and guidance throughout this incredible path.


4. Do you have any special memories at UBC that stand out? Is there a moment that validated your decision to come to UBC and pursue Nursing? 

Among the many memories, what truly stands out for me are the moments spent with my nursing family – my incredible friends. As a mature student, it can be challenging to find your crowd, but I consider myself incredibly lucky to have discovered a group of students with whom I instantly clicked. We’ve become more than just classmates; we’re a support network for one another, and our shared journey in nursing has created bonds that I know will last a lifetime.



5. What are your favourite spots on campus? Best study spots, places to eat, best coffee? 

My favorite spots on campus were undeniably Indigenous Programs and Services, where the incredible crew made me feel at home and provided unwavering support throughout my academic journey. And, of course, no day was complete without a visit to Starbucks for that much-needed coffee fix. These places and people have been the heart and soul of my university experience, adding warmth and energy to my time at UBC Okanagan.


 6. How will your studies in Nursing at UBC Okanagan help you achieve your career goals?

Once I complete my schooling, my aim is to work closely within the Indigenous population. My passion lies in patient-centered care and ensuring cultural safety, and I’m eager to make a meaningful impact in these areas. While I do have aspirations of pursuing a Master of Nursing down the road, I’m taking it one step at a time, focusing on the immediate goal of making a positive difference within the Indigenous community through my nursing career.


7. Do you have any tips for someone who’s considering Nursing at UBC Okanagan? 

I wholeheartedly recommend pursuing a nursing degree to anyone who has a passion for it! Nursing is an incredibly diverse profession with something for everyone, and the journey at UBC has been nothing short of fantastic. This marks the end of my nursing degree, but I see it as just the beginning of my nursing life. The opportunities and experiences ahead are limitless, and I’m excited to embrace them with open arms.

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