Georgiana came to UBC Vancouver from Toronto, looking for a degree that would give her a “feel good” career. She’s always wanted a career that would help people and the planet. With this in mind, Georgiana decided to enroll in the Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources program and major in Bioeconomy Sciences and Technology.
“I wanted something I was passionate and excited about that also had good career opportunities and I think I lucked out with choosing UBC.”
She praises the small, close-knit faculty, her inspiring classes, and her passionate peers for the rewarding experiences she’s had in the program. Read on to find out some of her favourite moments in the program so far and her favourite beach near UBC to watch the sunset.
1. What made you decide to enrol in the Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources program at UBC Vancouver?
Choosing a university degree was a very difficult choice for me but what truly made the decision for me was the opportunities this degree presented. I have always been passionate about sustainability and always wanted a “feel good” career. I wanted to pursue a career that would help our people and planet and this degree brought exactly that.
In the Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources program, I have decided to major in Bioeconomy Sciences and Technology, and minor in Commerce. The Bioeconomy Sciences and Technology degree focuses on innovation and entrepreneurship and aims to bring sustainable alternatives to our everyday lives. I feel proud of what I am learning and I cannot wait to apply it all to help our planet and people. I can honestly say that I am excited to learn more about the field that I have chosen. I wanted something I was passionate and excited about that also had good career opportunities and I think I lucked out with choosing UBC.
2. What has been your experience in the program so far?
My experience in the program has been great. I enjoy having a mix of courses and not solely focusing on one topic. If you are planning to enrol in Natural Resources, expect the first year to bring you foundational courses, such as sciences, math, economics, writing, and sustainability courses. Once you learn what type of courses you enjoy, you can choose your major based on that. Academically, the courses have been a big jump from high school but, that being said, they are much more rewarding and I have never learned more since I have been here – not only academically, but also about myself.
The community in the Faculty of Forestry is just amazing. Being one of the smallest faculties on campus, we often feel like a family and I am so thankful for that. I believe we are one of the most close-knit faculties and there are always fun forestry events as well as academic support.
3. Do you have any special memories at UBC that stand out? Is there a moment that validated your decision to come to UBC?
It is very difficult to focus on one special memory at UBC that validated my decision but there are a few. I think academically, one moment that stands out was the final lecture of one of my courses. Throughout the entire course, we talked about the scary trajectory our planet is following but then during our final lecture, the theme was hope. The professors started us off by telling us all the progress our world has gone through, including the adoption of clean energy and new technologies. Following that, all the students in our class spoke up and discussed what gave them hope. This moment solidified my decision to come to UBC. Everyone around me was so passionate and inspired and that is exactly the environment I looked for in a school. I felt so good after that class, and I was so excited for the future. UBC was exactly where I wanted to be.
Another moment that validated my decision was going down to the beach with my friends and watching the sunset over the ocean. As many times as I do this, it is still one of my favourite things to do. The fact that we can walk down to the ocean after class and go for a swim is just incredible. It truly is a unique university experience and an experience I would not trade for anything.
4. What are your favourite spots on campus? Best study spots, places to eat, best coffee?
My favourite spot on campus is Tower Beach, I watch the most beautiful sunsets here and it is always also very quiet compared to Wreck Beach, which I also love. The sunsets over the ocean are just so beautiful and they always make my day. As for best study spots, I love the Forestry building, the Ridington Room in IKB library, and the coffee shop Bean Around the World.
5. How have your interests and passions helped to shape your education journey?
My interests and passions have helped shape my educational journey as motivation – when you are passionate about something, the work and studying you put in does not feel as hard. I think that is a very important aspect to consider: in any degree you choose, you will be putting in lots of work and effort, so it is always best to work towards something you are passionate about.
6. In what ways has UBC allowed you to create your own unique experiences and path?
UBC has truly allowed me to create my own path. They have countless degree programs and great opportunities such as the mentorship program I am in. In this program, I got paired with an upper-year student in my degree as well as a graduate who is already in the field, and they both give me the best advice. As well, UBC offers every club you could think of. Whatever your niche is, you will find a group of like-minded people here. On top of all that, UBC also has an incredible array of courses to choose from. Anything you are curious about and want to learn more about, UBC almost always has a course for it.
7. Do you have any tips or advice for someone who’s considering UBC Vancouver?
My advice for anyone considering UBC Vancouver is to open yourself up to new experiences. Even if you’re a little scared or don’t know a single person at UBC before, go to all the events, and if you have the opportunity to enrol in Jumpstart, do it! You meet so many nice people, and the community here is just amazing. I met some of my closest friends here at Jumpstart and it’s very helpful to get settled before classes start. Jumpstart made my transition from high school to university much easier and I would recommend it to everyone.