Political Science student Elleda on why transferring to UBC was the best decision she ever made

Political Science student Elleda on why transferring to UBC was the best decision she ever made
NameElleda S.
FromSanta Cruz, USA
ProgramPolitical Science


Elleda was studying musical theatre in the United States when she took a campus tour at UBC Vancouver and decided to transfer to UBC.

Since she transferred to UBC Vancouver, Elleda’s joined the UBC Musical Theatre Troupe as a performer, spent two months in Quito, Ecuador for a Global Seminar to study Spanish, and participated in co-op where she was an Events Specialist at Life Sciences BC. She’s now come full circle and is a UBC Vancouver Student Ambassador, giving tours to prospective students who want to learn more about UBC.

Read on to find how what Elleda’s experiences as a transfer student were like.


1. How has UBC helped you shape your future?

When I originally came to UBC as a transfer student, I was unsure of what I wanted my academic and career futures to be. I had just spent a year studying musical theatre in the United States, and realized it wasn’t the right path for me. After taking a campus tour of UBC Vancouver and speaking to the incredible student ambassadors, I knew transferring to UBC was a step onto the right path. Two years later, and it is the best decision I have ever made, though it was extremely scary and nerve-wracking at first.

Transferring to UBC, I still didn’t know exactly what I planned to do, and I spent the first two semesters taking a wide variety of classes to experiment in subjects such as political science, history, and sociology. I also tried to get involved on campus, joining clubs, orientation programs, and getting a part time job, to try and make up for the fact I was a transfer student and did not already have a set group of friends.

While it was a difficult adjustment at first – leaving friends and my secure path in the States – UBC’s campus, opportunities, and people made me feel right at home almost immediately. After just two short years of being here, UBC has created an amazing environment for me to explore what I want my future to be through the incredible, rigorous academic environment where I can take a vast variety of classes, as well as career-focused resources like co-op, and stretching my wings and getting out of my comfort zone through study abroad programs and clubs!

Overall, UBC fosters an incredible environment to truly explore whatever you yearn to do amongst other passionate, hardworking, and determined students.


2. In what ways has UBC allowed you to create your own unique experiences and path?

UBC has empowered me to take advantage of all the resources and opportunities we have on campus to create my own tailored, unique experiences. There are so many campus opportunities to choose from, and so many diverse students, so every individual has the chance to create their own distinctive path.

Specifically, for me, this has involved taking a huge variety of courses throughout my first year to determine what I wanted to major in, choosing from our huge list of clubs to find on where I found my family and was able to practice my passions, and also participate in really unique programs like exchange and co-op, where I am able to grow professionally and personally. For example, I took introduction courses like POLI 101: The Government of Canada and HIST 235: History of Canada: Moments that Matter that propelled me towards choosing the Political Science major, whilst joining the UBC Musical Theatre Troupe as a performer and applying for a Global Seminar to study Spanish for 2 months in Quito, Ecuador!


3. How has UBC helped you broaden your education journey through co-op or exchange?

Programs like co-op and exchange have enhanced my educational journey here at UBC and I would recommend them to every single incoming student. These two programs are the best things I have done at UBC, and were huge steps outside of my comfort zone, allowing me to grow as a person and professionally.

Through co-op, I received incredibly valuable career counselling and resources as well as secured multiple positions that have shown me what it is like to work full time and have that competitive, real-world experience on my resume before I even graduate undergrad. Though I don’t know what I want my future career to be, I have been able to secure positions through the Arts co-op program that allow me to learn what I truly want out of future job positions, like being an Events Specialist at Life Sciences BC.

Furthermore, going on a Global Seminar to Quito, Ecuador increased my cultural understanding and global awareness, fostering adaptability and my love for language learning. I took Spanish, lived in a completely immersive environment with a host family, and participated in a multitude of cultural excursions over the span of just two months. Truly a once in a lifetime experience that gave me incredible self confidence and allowed me to learn more about myself! These experiences expanded my personal horizons and truly turned me into the well-round individual, making me feel prepared for success in today’s interconnected world.

Elleda with another student studying at the library.


4. What are your favourite spots on campus? Best study spots, places to eat, best coffee?

Every inch of this campus is beautiful, it’s so hard to choose my favourites! Some places that I return back to day after day include the different beaches on campus; we are just a 10-minute walk away from the beach, so I love to soak in the sun, read, and even do some homework in the sand. I also love the view from the Rose Garden, it makes me realize how grateful I am to go to school here. However, when we experience typical Vancouver rain, I love sitting near a big window on the third floor of Koerner Library or cozying up in the Riddington Room in IKB (both great spots for studying). Overall, I really love exploring UBC no matter what the weather and my perfect day would be visiting all these places with a Blue Chip matcha, Great Dane Jeremy sandwich, or Rain or Shine ice cream in hand!


5. Do you have any tips or advice for someone who’s considering UBC Vancouver?

If you can, I highly recommend traveling to the campus to take a campus tour, or even attending one virtually! As a UBC Vancouver Student Ambassador, I give tours to prospective students, and even took one myself when I decided to transfer to a Canadian university. Being able to see the campus through my own eyes and ask all my questions to the current undergraduate student giving me the tour really solidified that UBC was the place for me.

If you do decide to come to UBC, I highly recommend getting involved as early as you possibly can! It can be overwhelming moving to Vancouver, trying to make friends, and taking challenging classes all at once, but joining clubs and communities to stay involved with my passions kept me grounded and allowed me to meet some incredible people.

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