Transfer Students
Can transfer students participate in the Jump Start program?
The Jump Start program is designed specifically for students transitioning directly from high school to university academics. As a result, registration for Jump Start is not open to transfer students.
Transfer student’s orientation to UBC happens during Imagine UBC on Tuesday Sep 2. This will be an opportunity for you to familiarize yourself with the campus and meet other transfer students. You will receive information about Imagine UBC closer to the event.
Program Schedules
How long does Jump Start run each day?
For students living in residence, typically, the days start around 9:00am and the main programming ends around 4:30pm. Following that, there are various social programs available for students to choose from until approximately 7:00pm to 9:00pm. The schedule includes meal breaks and other breaks throughout the day.
For students commuting to campus, typically, the days starts around 9:00am and ends around 5:00pm. There are optional social activities in the evening.
Event Attendance
Is it okay if I miss an event during Jump Start?
We understand that you may be busy and it is completely okay if you miss an event during Jump Start. However, we highly recommend attending as many events as possible to fully benefit from the program and make the most of your Jump Start experience! Make sure to tell your orientation leaders if you cannot attend any event.
Residence Stream
Move-in date
When is the move-in date? Do I need to apply for an early move-in?
The move-in date for Jump Start students in residence is Tuesday, August 26th. You just need to pay the Jump Start housing fee, there’s no additional application for early move-in. It is important to note that students cannot move into UBC housing before August 26th.
Late Arrival
What should I do if I am unable to move into residence on August 26th as a Jump Start residence student?
We strongly recommend residence students to arrive no later than the evening of Tuesday, August 26th, so that you have enough time to connect with your group and participate in the program. However, we understand that there may be situations where this is not possible. If you are unable to arrive on the specified move-in date, you will still be able to check in at a later date. Simply go to your residence area front desk to check in upon your arrival and they will assist you with checking into your residence room. We recommend visiting the Jump Start office in your residence area after checking in to connect with your Learning Community and Orientation Leaders. You will receive your welcome pack, including your UBC card, during the check-in process.
Please note that the front desks are closed from 11:00pm until 7:00am, so it is not possible to check in during these hours.
The additional Jump Start fee for residence students remains the same, even if you are moving in late.
Housing after Jump Start
Will I be able to live in the same room after Jump Start?
Yes, the room you are assigned during Jump Start is the same for the rest of the year. This means that you can continue to live there in the time between Jump Start and when classes begin (August 30 – September 2). The Jump Start fee will cover your meals and accommodation for the time in between when Jump Start ends and when the non-Jump Start students move in.
Commuter Stream
Which stream am I part of if I live at University Village or Wesbrook Village?
If you live in University Village or Wesbrook Village you are considered a commuter student. You are therefore eligible to be part of the Collegia program and would be in the commuter stream for Jump Start.