Manufacturing Engineering student Rahman on how his passions helped shape his university experience

Manufacturing Engineering student Rahman on how his passions helped shape his university experience
NameRahman G.
FromBeijing, China
ProgramManufacturing Engineering


Rahman is a Manufacturing Engineering student at UBC Okanagan, fascinated with creating efficient, innovative, and sustainable manufacturing systems. He says that from a young age he’s been captivated by how things are made and how they work, and his program aligns perfectly with his passions.

During his time at UBC he’s completed a number of very interesting projects including creating a (highly detailed) CAD model of an A380, creating chatbots, building a motor from scratch, and programming entire automated assembly lines.

Read on to find out how he made friends through extracurricular experiences, why he loves the close-knit community of his campus, and his three tips for anyone considering UBC Okanagan.


1. How has UBC helped you shape your future?

When I first started at UBC, I wasn’t entirely sure what I wanted to do or where I wanted to go. I knew I liked engineering but that was about as far as the vision went. However, after going through my educational journey and experiences both inside and outside the classroom, I have built up a better skill set to pursue the future I want. All the professors and countless other connections made along the way have helped me decide to become a Manufacturing Engineer.


2. In what ways has UBC allowed you to create your own unique experiences and path?

There are many opportunities available at UBC to customize your own university experience. Right from first year, I have been involved in clubs on campus, participated in numerous events, held campus positions, and so much more. All of these allowed me to create experiences and memories I would have otherwise missed and opened doors I wouldn’t have known existed. These experiences have also allowed me to meet and get to know people I might not have otherwise and given me many opportunities, from awards to jobs to great friends.


3. How have your interests and passions helped to shape your education journey?

From a young age, I’ve been captivated by how things are made and how they work, which sparked my curiosity about engineering in the first place. This passion led me to choose Manufacturing Engineering, a field that perfectly aligns with my fascination with creating efficient, innovative, and sustainable manufacturing systems. At UBC, I was able to further explore this passion outside of my courses through opportunities such as the Engineering Society where I helped plan and execute the Okanagan Engineering Competition, putting a blend of technical and soft skills to the test and learning more along the way. Additionally, within the classroom, I was able to be involved in interesting projects as part of my degree, ranging from creating a (highly detailed) CAD model of an A380, to creating chatbots, to building a motor from scratch, to programming entire automated assembly lines, and so much more. All of these great experiences stemmed from my interest and passion in engineering.


4. How have you made connections outside of the classroom through clubs, events, or cultural activities?

A great deal of the friends and connections I have today can be credited towards my extracurricular experiences at UBC. In my first year, I attended Jump Start and made great friends that I remain close with five years later. In my second year, as Jump Start leader and peer mentor, I was able to make more friends with my fellow student colleagues and it’s always gratifying when someone randomly comes up to me on campus and goes “Hey! You were my Jump Start leader in 202X!”

I also became a student ambassador this year where I met a team of great people that I remain friends with today. In my third year, I joined the Engineering Society and got to work with a memorable team to plan events for the school year. As a result of that experience, I also got to network and create many industry experiences and indirectly get a co-op job!

I continued this trend in my later years, making use of the numerous opportunities on campus to meet people and create connections. Over the years, I have attended many events held by the cultural clubs on campus, such as the African Caribbean Student Association, the Asian Student Association and the Latin American Student Association, getting to experience cultures and foods from all around the world in one place. Other interesting clubs I have been a part of include the board games club where I not only made new friends but found some new hobbies!


5. How does the Okanagan campus inspire how you live and learn?

The campus is nestled within the Okanagan valley and surrounded by lakes and mountains. It’s a great sight to see and a constant reminder of the importance of sustainable engineering practices as we move forward. This in itself is a source of inspiration but additionally, the close-knit community of the campus fosters a very supportive learning environment. I find it very easy to get to know people here and have personalized interactions with both my profs and peers which have been very instrumental in my success so far. The natural beauty of the Okanagan has encouraged me to integrate more outdoor activities into my life, which I find helps my mental and physical health. Overall, the Okanagan campus has not only been a place of academic growth but also a source of personal development. The connections I’ve made and the skills I’ve developed here are invaluable and something I will be carrying with me for a long time in life.


Rahman solving an engineering problem on a whiteboard with two other students

6. What are your favourite spots on campus? Best study spots, places to eat, best coffee?

 My overall top spot on campus has to be the collegia spaces! There are 3 at the UBCO campus and my favourite from among them has to be the senior collegia in the UNC. It’s the perfect blend of cozy and spacious and is great for studying, eating, or just hanging out with friends in between classes. The collegia was built to be a home away from home for students and it is definitely a great spot on campus.

The Arts atrium is another great study spot when I’m looking for more quiet. It is filled with different types of plants and vegetation which really completes the scene and makes for a great studying atmosphere.

My favourite place to eat on campus is a close tie between Koi sushi and J’s cafe (which are right next to each other, funny enough). Their rice bowls are really nice and makes for a great meal in the middle of the day!


7. Do you have any tips or advice for someone who’s considering UBC Okanagan?

My top piece of advice would be don’t be afraid to try new things. First year can seem quite overwhelming but there’s plenty of opportunities on campus: student clubs, on campus jobs, recreation, the list goes on and on! I found these a great way to expand your network, make friends and learn about more opportunities, whether social, professional or academic! It might seem intimidating as a first year but it’s worth it to try things out. Just be sure not to burn yourself out!

My next piece of advice is don’t be afraid to ask for help, be that inside or outside the classroom. Within the classroom, it might seem intimidating to raise your hand in a room of 400 other students but if you thought of a question, chances are there’s 50 other students thinking the same. There are no stupid questions after all and it’ll save you a lot of trouble resolving it in class versus spending much more time on your own trying to figure it out. Outside the classroom, there’re plenty of resources for student aid: academical, physical and mental health and much more! These are there for students so be sure to make use of them!

My last piece of advice is to go with what feels right for you. The university journey is different for everyone and no two people have the same experiences; so just go with what feels best and what works for you!


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