Frequently asked questions from Canadian high school applicants

Frequently asked questions from Canadian high school applicants

We’re close to finalizing all first-choice decisions for all Canadian applicants in the Applicant Service Centre. If you were offered admission, congratulations! If you were not offered admission, thank you for submitting an application and giving us the opportunity to get to know you better through your academic successes and personal profiles. We wish we could admit all qualified applicants, but with more applications than spaces, it’s just not possible. If you’re curious, here’s how UBC evaluates your application.

At this point, you might have a few questions:


What should you do if you’ve been placed on a waitlist? When will you receive a final decision?

If your application has been waitlisted, your application status will indicate when you can expect to receive a final – yes or no – decision. For the majority of programs at UBC, the deadline to accept offers of admission is May 1 (or June 1, depending on your campus), but you should check the date specified to you in your offer letter to find out when your deadline is. Once those dates pass, we’ll know how many students have accepted their offers. If fewer students accepted their offers than expected, we’ll make a few more offers to waitlisted applicants. If enough students accepted their offers, we’ll notify students on the waitlist that no additional offers will be made.

Our best advice is to move forward with other post-secondary plans in case we don’t make additional offers in May and June. If we do make more offers, we hope they’ll be considered, but we understand if students have made plans to study elsewhere.


What about your second choice?

Our goal is to have all second-choice decisions to students as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience as we continue to review the second-choice applications.

If you received an offer of admission for your first choice, we’ll stop there unless you contact us to request otherwise.


If you accept your second choice but you’re waitlisted for your first choice, will UBC still evaluate your first choice?

Yes, we always evaluate first choices, whether you accept or decline your second-choice offer. All waitlisted applicants will receive a final decision by the end of June.


You’ve been admitted to your first choice, but now you would prefer your second choice. Will UBC still evaluate your second choice?

We always assume that your first choice is what you prefer. If you’ve received an offer of admission for your first choice, we’ll only evaluate your second choice if you contact us and if there is still space available in your second-choice degree.


Where can you find your application status?

The best source of information on your application is always the Applicant Service Centre. When you log in to your account, you’ll find an up-to-date status for each of your degree choices.



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