Register now for Jump Start at UBC Vancouver

Register now for Jump Start at UBC Vancouver

Updated July 8: Registration is now closed.

If you’re entering first year at UBC Vancouver and coming directly from high school, you’ll want to register for Jump Start at UBC Vancouver. This multi-day program is designed to give you a first look at university life, let you meet your professors and academic community, and help you make your first friends!

What to expect

You’ll be assigned to a learning community which will be led by two upper-year students and a faculty fellow. Together, you’ll participate in a full range of activities during the program, from discovering the university learning environment and the classroom setting to fun events such as trivia nights, photo challenges, games, exercise, sports and dance tutorials, and art activities.

Residence stream

If you’re planning to live in student housing on campus (known at UBC as “residence”) in your first year, Jump Start gives you the opportunity to move in early, get to know campus, and meet new friends in-person. You will enjoy scheduled group events with your classmates, as well as sessions and offerings you can take part in at your own pace.

Move-in for Jump Start’s residence stream takes place on August 27. The three-day program runs from August 28 to August 30.

Commuter stream

If you’re planning to live off campus and will be commuting to UBC in your first year, Jump Start gives you the opportunity to practice your route to classes, get to know your new campus and your Collegium, and meet your first friends in person. The three-day program will include scheduled group events with your classmates, as well as sessions and offerings you can take part in at your own pace.

Jump Start’s commuter stream begins on August 28 and finishes on August 30.

Register now

Registration is now open! Visit the Jump Start Vancouver webpage to complete the registration form, pay the program fee, and save your spot.

Jump Start registration will close on June 27 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time.

Registration is now closed.

What students are saying

“My experience in Jump Start was warm and friendly. At first, the environment was scary because a lot of the other attendees did not talk much, but over a couple of ice breakers, everyone’s shells started to melt away. We’d have break times for lunch and in our Collegia, everyone would sit down together in the biggest group possible and talk and laugh. I think attending Jump Start is a great experience overall because it really helped me break out of my own shell. For example, I wasn’t afraid to reach out to the people I had just met at Jump Start on social media. Even now, I still talk to them and I think some of my closest friends at UBC are the ones I made in Jump Start.” Kayree R.

“Jump Start is such a great way to start the school year. I got to meet so many people who share common interests with me, and many of them I know I will be close friends with for life. It is also the perfect transition from summer to university, and also a great way to meet people and become familiar with the campus prior to classes.” – Katie A.

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