Your high school career is coming to a close and summer’s just around the corner. Before you set your brain to vacation mode, mark these important dates and deadlines in your calendar. That way, you’ll be all set to start classes at UBC when September rolls around.
July 1
- Deadline to apply for deferred admission if you’ve been admitted to UBC Vancouver
July 12
- Deadline to register for Jump Start on the Vancouver campus
July 25
- Recommended deadline to apply for student loans if you’re also planning to apply for the UBC bursary program
August 1
- Deadline to apply for early arrival to residence on the Okanagan campus
- Deadline to apply for early arrival to residence on the Vancouver campus
If you’re participating in the Jump Start on-campus stream, there’s no need to apply for early arrival.
Note: In line with the current federal guidelines concerning COVID-19, if you are arriving from outside of Canada, the Canadian Government requires you to quarantine (self-isolate) for 14 days and to self-monitor for symptoms. If this applies to you, please refer to these websites for more information: UBC Vancouver or UBC Okanagan. The situation concerning COVID-19 continues to evolve, so please keep checking these links for the most up-to-date information.
August 15
- Deadline to apply for deferred admission if you’ve been admitted to UBC Okanagan
August 27
- Virtual Aboriginal Student Orientation on the Okanagan campus
August 29
- Residence move-in day for those taking the Jump Start on-campus stream at UBC Vancouver.
- Residence move-in day for those taking the Jump Start on-campus stream at UBC Okanagan.
September 4
- Residence move-in day on the Vancouver campus
- Residence move-in day on the Okanagan campus
September 5
- Create orientation on the Okanagan campus
September 7
- Start of Winter Session, Term 1
- Imagine UBC orientation on the Vancouver campus
- International Student Information Session on the Okanagan campus
September 8
- Deadline to pay your first instalment of tuition fees for UBC Vancouver or UBC Okanagan
September 15
- Deadline to submit your general bursary application for UBC Vancouver or UBC Okanagan for Winter Session if you’re a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada